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I was so impressed by the presentation on electronics and their effect on the human brain by Dr. Christy Kane.

It was both informative and frightening! But I appreciated greatly the attention to solid science, the thoroughness of the presentation, and the overall message.  I was most impressed that Dr. Kane also offered suggestions for moving forward which left me feeling informed and empowered.  I cannot recommend this presentation highly enough.  EVERYONE should see this presentation and learn from it.

Merrillee Boyack | Family Watch International | Executive Director

Dr. Christy Kane's presentation on how electronics impact the human brain is informative and motivational. Dr. Kane provides the knowledge you need to make informed decisions on how you will manage the use of cell phones & tablets. in your life and your families. While these tools can be used for good they are also having a negative impact on our lives. Learn the how and why and what can be done to mitigate the negative impacts. I highly recommend this presentation to all.

Rod Mann | Highland City, Utah | Mayor 

Dr. Kane's presentation was very informative and provided valuable insight on how electronics are impacting not only our children and teens but even us as adults. The data she provided was understandable and useful for audiences of all ages, and she provides helpful recommendations on what we can be doing to mitigate the negative impacts of ever-changing technology. I highly recommend her presentation.

Jenney Rees | Cedar Hills, Utah | Mayor

In an era when death by suicide becomes the leading cause of teenage death, we all need to consider as a society why this is happening. Why are so many of our teens struggling with anxiety and depression, and what do we do about it? In my mind, no discussion of this is complete without the puzzle piece that Dr. Kane presents. Smartphone and electronics use has become so ubiquitous to our culture, yet so few of us have a real understanding of what that is doing to the human brain, and particularly young brains that are not fully developed. Dr. Kane’s presentation is both insightful and empowering, and I cannot emphasize enough how much every parent and teen needs to see it for themselves!

Amanda Oaks | Canyon School Board, Utah

- Loved how she was able to promote sound research in an accessible manner “she got on my level"

- Did a nice job holding parents and students accountable or re-directing them

- Loved the information about neurotransmitters, and eight second hugs

- Very playful, great videos

- Really left an impression on us, still mindfully watching cartoons and using cell phones in a limited manner. 

Erin Cantalini | Whetstone Academy | Clinical Director of Program Services

Christy Kane is awesome! She is so knowledgeable and gives us a better understanding of what kids are really going through. We needed more time with her. Great info. Absolutely LOVED this breakout. Fascinating, informative, interesting - I learned so much. I loved this session! The information was interesting and very relevant. I really enjoyed the speaker.

I love Christy Kane, I think she has great ideas and information. My only complaint here is that she did not have enough time to present and was skipping slides like crazy. I would have loved to go to a 2-session presentation of hers.  

Christy was so good but we ran out of time. Wish it would have been a double session. I really liked the information about the teenage brain and why kids act the way they do. Sooooo good! Great information that was applicable and insightful that we could teach kids. Interesting Brain research. Yet another home run. 

Utah Association of Counselors Conference

Christy has delivered several excellent presentations in our community on “How Electronics Affect The Brain.”  Her message is salient, timely, and crucial –, especially for teens!  Christy provides valuable information that is grounded in research and delivers it in such a way that is relatable, straightforward, and easy to understand.  She is realistic in her approach and practical with her suggestions.  Her message is very instructive and provides key take-a-ways that can help us better navigate and protect ourselves, and our loved ones, in this electronic world we live in.  


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